Track your body in real-time with simple cameras!
Ask thousands of people within seconds!
Listen and share your music with the whole world!
A 3D printed humanoid robot, powered by an Arduino Nano!
Code your pet to make it evolve in its cubic world!
A physical interaction system with a virtual world using a Meta Quest 2!
An online interactive 3D scene, combining virtual reality and haptic feedback!
A cocktail recipe site, for lovers of alcoholic drinks!
A carpool platform for strangers or friends to share a ride!
Collaborate with your friends on spreadsheets!
A VS Code extension for algorithmic programming at the Charlemagne IT Department!
Go as high as you can at the speed of the music without falling off the ladders!
Complete all levels without falling into the holes of your game window!
Kill all enemies without getting hit, watch out for the chorus!
A brainfuck interpreter with a nice graphical interface to see behind the scenes!
A fully customizable music visualizer made in python!
A 3D renderer and OBj file loader made from scratch in c++ !
Centre Français de Secourisme's website !
A small quadruped dog-like robot, full of sensors and powered by an esp32